To combine two or more numbers into one equivalent number (called sum), represented by the symbol +.
Example: 2 + 1 = 3
Procedure/Formula Demonstration:
1-digit + 1-digit without regrouping
1-digit + 1-digit with regrouping
Sum of three 1-digit numbers without regrouping
Sum of three 1-digit numbers with regrouping
Sum of four 1-digit numbers with regrouping
2-digit + 1-digit without regrouping
2-digit + 1-digit with regrouping
2-digit + 2-digit without regrouping
2-digit + 2-digit with regrouping
Sum of three 2-digit numbers without regrouping
3-digit + 1-digit without regrouping
3-digit + 1-digit with regrouping
3-digit + 2-digit without regrouping
3-digit + 2-digit with regrouping
3-digit + 3-digit without regrouping
3-digit + 3-digit with regrouping
Sum of three 3-digit numbers without regrouping
Sum of four numbers with regrouping
Sum of five numbers with regrouping
Related Term:
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