6 - 8
algebraic operating system (AOS)
associative property of addition
associative property of multiplication
axis (plural axes)
base (in a number system)
base (in plane geometry)
base (in solid geometry)
center (of a circle)
centimeter (cm)
common factor (in arithmetic)
commutative property of addition
commutative property of multiplication
cross multiply (cross products)
cube (in geometry)
cup (c)
degree (°)
degrees Celsius (°C)
degrees Fahrenheit (°F)
dimension (in geometry)
distributive property of multiplication over addition
factor (in arithmetic)
foot (ft)
gallon (gal)
gram (g)
greater than (>)
greatest common factor (GCF)
grouping property of multiplication
inch (in.)
inverse operations (opposite operations)
kilogram (kg)
kiloliter (kL)
kilometer (km)
least common denominator (LCD)
least common multiple (LCM)
less than (<)
liter (L)
mean (average)
meter (m)
mile (mi)
milligram (mg)
milliliter (mL)
millimeter (mm)
minute (min)
net (in geometry)
order property of multiplication
ounce (oz)
pint (pt)
pound (lb)
property of one for multiplication
quart (qt)
radius (of a circle)
reflection (flip)
sequence (progression)
square (in geometry)
ton (t)
transformation (in geometry)
translation (slide)
vertex (in plane geometry)
vertex (in solid geometry)
yard (yd)
zero property of multiplication